The main college building is centrally located at Satdobato, Lalitpur. The College meet all the minimum requirement set by related professional council, University & CTEVT.
ACAS maintains a libary with necessary faculty wise course books and journals. This collection is ever growing as student advance in their fields of studies. ACAS plans to make substantial addition of latest new prints, reference materials as per need and demand to its present stock so that it can serve as Resource Centre for a wide use, The library is fitted with space for individual reading and group-study. We are with the concept of E-library so that student can get global technical knowledge in upcoming days.
There are well equipped laboratories for conduction of practical classes required for student of Pharmacy, Nursing,CMLT and Public Health. All laboratories of Chemistry, Microbiology, Pharmaceutics, Pharmacology, Pharmacognosy and Instrumentation are constantly upgraded to match with the progress in the oritical classes. There are also demonstration rooms, Nutrition Lab, Computer Lab & Midwifery Lab for nursing and pharmacy. Other laboratories for upcoming new course are under construction.
A computer lab is well furnished and well equiped to student for practical, research and internet use from 7am to 4pm. The networking of all desk-top sets in the building comes handy not only for the research works of students and faculty member but also for efficient administration and management. ACAS plans to add on to the existing computer facilities in the near future.
College has managed internal college canteen at the college premises. canteen provides fresh, hygenic food items at the homely environment where student may have their tiffin on short time span. It is not only for physical refreshment but also for student bonding, discussions and even work on assignment and project.
We offer comfortable, reasonably priced hostel accommodation for interested new full-time student, for those who need it we offer excellent hostel facilities within easy walking distance from college.
We have well furnished, Air vantilated Well lighted rooms with Confortable sitting. Most classroom have a large writing surface where the instructor or student and share notes with other member of hte class.
We have adequate number of transport facilities to drop student to the hospital, community level, DPHO practicum areas, Field visit, Educational tour, and many more.